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Textbooks on Russian as a foreign language: from the experience of work at the preparatory faculty in M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University

Journal: Russian Language Studies (Vol.17, No. 1)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 103-114

Keywords : Russian as a foreign language textbooks; linguistic country studying; regional country studying; foreign students; national and regional component; preparatory faculty;

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This article deals with the textbooks used in teaching Russian as a foreign language (RFL) at preparatory faculty in M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University: Esmantova T.L. Russian: 5 elements: A1 level (elementary); Chernyshev S.I. Let’s go! Russian for adults. Elementary course; Evseeva K.S., Dmitrieva E.N., Nikiforova E.P., Samsonova L.N. The Russian language. Oral course for foreign students. Tutorial. The authors use A.A. Akishina, O.E. Kagan’s classification for assessing the textbooks. The classification includes the following parametres: clearly defined goals; a set of training texts, adequacy and effectiveness of the exercises; the number of communication exercises; balance between training and communication exercises; the variety of functions; authentic texts; vocabulary that reflects the communicative needs and interests of students; grammar according to communicative needs; availability of audio and video applications. The analysis shows advantages and disadvantages of the textbooks according to modern requirements to educational activity in a foreign audience. The article reveals the problems arising in direct pupil-teacher interaction during fulfilling the tasks in different organizational forms: at the lessons, at home and in out-of-class events. Special attention is paid to the only textbook on RFL written by the group of teachers of the Yakut State University (1996) which can serve as a basis of a textbook with a national and regional component.

Last modified: 2020-08-05 07:30:57