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The effect of neurofeedback on reduction symptoms of Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder: a meta-analysis study

Journal: Shenakht Journal of Psychology and Psychiatry (Vol.7, No. 2)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 64-78

Keywords : Neurofeedback; Attention deficiency disorder; Meta-analysis;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is known to be the most common childhood disorder. On the other hand, neurofeedback has been well received as a non-invasive treatment. The aim of this study is meta-analysis of researches conducted to investigate the effect of neurofeedback in reducing attention deficiency disorder with a focus on Iranian researches. Research method was meta-analysis, so all research reports have been found and gathered using domestic databases. The sample consisted of ten studies done from 2016 to first half of 2019 all around the country (Iran) including 1118 subjects. Results of these 31 studies have been meta-analyzed for model of fixed effects using effect size of standardized mean difference or d Kuhn (1988; Hooman, 2008). All statistical operations were performed using 2nd edition of Comprehensive meta-analysis software (CMA). Results showed that mean of overall effect size of reviewed studies is 0.574 for fixed effects model and 1.214 for random effects that both are significant in p=0.0001 level. Non pharmacological treatments in sessions and lower ages can improve and reduce symptoms of attention deficiency and hyperactivity disorder.

Last modified: 2020-08-17 14:02:00