Identification of the Most Influential Infrastructure for the Development of Disadvantaged Villages in Sumberpetung Village, Malang Regency, Indonesia
Journal: International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science (Vol.5, No. 2)Publication Date: 2020-10-15
Authors : Ardiyanto Maksimilianus Gai; Agung Witjaksono; Maria Lastiana Narjun;
Page : 44-48
Keywords : ;
- Monitoring of Electrical Appliances using Utility Meter
- Home Electrical Appliances Smart System
- Realization of a Method to Control Electrical Appliances through Web Interface
- Remote Control of Electrical Appliances by Mobile SMS Using STC89C52RC Microcontroller
The aim and one of the main targets for regional development contained in the 2015-2019 National Medium-term Development Plan (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional—RPJMN) is rural development, namely by reducing the number of disadvantaged villages to 5,000 villages or increasing the number of independent villages at least 2,000 villages. In 2014, Indonesia had 74,093 villages with 20,167 disadvantaged villages. In East Java, there are 333 villages with 238 developing villages and 95 disadvantaged villages, one of which is Sumberpetung village in Kalipare sub-district, Malang regency. Sumberpetung village is categorized as a disadvantaged village by a community empowerment agency of Malang regency based on the village development index issued by the national development agency in collaboration with the Central Bureau of Statistics. The village development index is assessed based on the condition of road infrastructure, education, health, clean water, electricity, and telecommunications infrastructur
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Last modified: 2020-09-30 20:06:47