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Mechanical Engineering in Ancient Egypt, Part 92: Tomb Inscription During the Old Kingdom

Journal: Scientific Review (Vol.6, No. 8)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 79-93

Keywords : Mechanical engineering history; Ancient Egypt; Tomb inscription; Old kingdom of Egypt.;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


This work is based on a previously published hypothesis which proposed that the solid matter of the universe can be represented as a vibrational wave of energy propagating over an ether or matrix through a mechanism that scrambles the degree of duality in matter: x% localized (solid), y% delocalized (wave). The main purpose of this paper is to present a two-dimensional approximation of the three-dimensional structure of the shape of the energy distribution of an atomic orbital to propose a mechanism through which the orbital can be transported as a vibration from a point A to point B in the matrix. This process requires cycles or oscillations of mounting-dismounting-remounting in which what travels from point A to point B is the energy forming the orbital and not the solid matter that it can form. The atomic seven-dimensional f orbital of hydrogen-like atoms is used as a model to show an analogy to the transformations that it can be submitted to when transported over the matrix.

Last modified: 2020-11-03 19:14:32