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Influence of Friction Crush Welding Tool Profiles on Theweldability of Commercial Aluminum Tubes

Journal: International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD ) (Vol.10, No. 3)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 5579-5588

Keywords : Solid-State Welding; Friction Welding; Friction Crush Welding; Tube Welding; Aluminum Tube;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Internal flash defect one of the common welding defects appear after welding tube to tube by conventional friction welding techniques. Internal flash defects classified as a drawback when we use the inner diameter of welded tubes to transfer liquids or gases. This study focusing on the welding tube to another tube without internal flash defect. A new welding technique called orbital friction crush welding (OFCW) was used for this investigation. The OFCW tool has disk geometry with a specific groove. The groove designed in the tool profile to crush the edges of the joint. Three tool grooves V-groove, trapezoidal groove, and concave groove were considered as the main effective welding parameters for crushing the material. The material was used commercial tubes of aluminum. The tubes have 60 mm outside diameter and 3 mm wall thickness. The heat treatment process was performed to standardize the tubes besides forming the edges to flange without cracks. Several working parameters such as the tool welding profile, the flange ratio, and the rotation speed were considered. The results of experimental works carried out the relationship between the welding parameters and both welding temperature and welding strength. The maximum welding strength was carried by trapezoidal profile groove comparison with other grooves.

Last modified: 2020-12-29 19:39:25