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Some applied aspects of the problem of forming the foundations of students' psycho-emotional health

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers «Social and Behavioral Sciences Series»; «Management and Administration Series» (psychological 053, economy 051, public administration 281). (Category «B») (Vol.13, No. 42)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 85-98

Keywords : students; health; psycho-emotional health; higher education seeker; pilot study.;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Given the multifaceted nature and complexity of the problem of developing the basics of psycho-emotional health of students in higher education institutions, the natural parameters are the relevant parameters to reflect its applied aspects through the data obtained from the pilot study. Based on this, the basis of the pilot experiment were six domestic higher education institutions, which train future professionals, whose preferences are related to the types of professions «man-man», «man-technician», «man-sign», «man-nature», «man-artistic image». As a result of the correct use of questionnaires and conducting questionnaires, establishing evaluative judgments of respondents regarding the content of the concept of «psycho-emotional health», and the nature of the attitude to their own health in the psycho-emotional sphere; diagnosed the originality of the manifestation of modern students of emotions on the parameter of their modality; the determinants of psycho-emotional health of student youth and the degree of their readiness for adequate emotional assessment of the activities and behavior of others are determined. The result of the analysis of science foundation where problematic issues concerning personality's psychological health are being directly or indirectly interpreted makes it possible to state that modern students' psychological health forms the area of psychological and pedagogical losses. It is determined by both the absence of psychological health theory of a person in a period of young adulthood and underestimation of emotional constituent peculiarity of modern students' health in psychological sphere. Based on the generalization of the evaluative judgments of the respondents, the reasons for deviations in the psycho-emotional health of modern students are outlined. It is emphasized, in particular, that an important factor in maintaining the psycho-emotional health of the individual in modern stressful environmental realities is environmental education. In general, the results of a pilot study contribute to the development of scientific foundations of psycho-emotional health of the individual in the age period of early adulthood.

Last modified: 2021-01-11 18:33:35