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Digital women and entrepreneurship in the social media study on a sample of e-women marketers in Bechar

Journal: Journal of Economic Growth and Entrepreneurship (Vol.3, No. 2)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 1-8

Keywords : e-work; Digital women; entrepreneurship; e-women marketers;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Since the 1990s, Algeria has embraced a market economy with the information technology revolution to develop small businesses for young people. An example, the Algerian woman who was able to exploit social networking sites for e-marketing, and to achieve entrepreneurship and business management in her home. The research paper explains the advantages of social media marketing, an explanation of the e-marketing process and how Algerian women have benefited from it. The researcher relied on the descriptive analytical method, and the electronic questionnaire tool to help study on virtual community. One of the most important results that we reached is that e-work has controls and rules that women must adhere to, and that the woman working through Facebook does not move to the center or office of work, and this work enables them to satisfy a large part of their personal or family needs. Thus, it develops entrepreneurship for women as a small institution in her home and it stimulate the movement of the economy in the country.

Last modified: 2021-01-26 04:14:28