Improving the Spectral Efficiency and Data Rate of FHCDMA Scheme for Wireless Communication Channels
Journal: International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology (IJESRT) (Vol.2, No. 10)Publication Date: 2013-10-30
Authors : P V V Santosh Babu; O Sudhakar;
Page : 2694-2700
Keywords : Code division multiple access; code modulation; frequency hopping; spectral efficiency;
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In this project, we propose a “two-level” frequency hopping code-division multiple-access (FH-CDMA) scheme for wireless communication systems. In our two-level FH-CDMA scheme, the available transmission bandwidth is divided into ? frequency bands with . carrier frequencies in each band. In the first (modulation) level, a number of serial data bits is grouped together and represented by a symbol. Each symbol is, in turn, represented by a modulation code of dimension × . In the second (FH) level, each user is assigned a unique FH pattern of dimension ? × ? and weight (i.e., number of elements) ?, where ? is the number of frequencies, ? is the number of time slots (i.e., pattern length). The elements in the modulation codes and FH patterns determine the carrier frequencies of the final FH-CDMA signals. . The new scheme provides flexibility in the selection of modulation codes and FH patterns. Our results show that the partitioned two-level FH-CDMA scheme supports higher data rate and greater SE than Goodman’s frequency-shift-keying FHCDMA scheme K
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