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Justification of the criteria for allocation of separate lanes for urban public transport

Journal: Transport technologies (Vol.1, No. 1)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ; ;

Page : 1-11

Keywords : traffic flow; urban public transport; road network; transport network; traffic delay; traffic intensity; speed of movement; traffic flow composition; roadway; route network;

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The article is devoted to the methodology and research results of traffic flowparameters on the arterial streets, where different regimes of prioritizing urban public transport operate. The regularities of changes of such parameters make it possible to identify and differentiate the sections of transport network in terms of service efficiency, with the aim to implement various regulatory measures that would help to minimize delays in traffic flow. Quantitative and qualitative criteria for ensuring priority transit of urban public transport on different sections of transport network depending on the intensity, speed and composition of traffic, as well as the roadway parameters are defined and substantiated. According to the research outcomes, scientifically based approaches are recommended for the implementation of different schemes of traffic flows control on the sections of the transport network, which differ in planning parameters and of traffic conditions and provide rational transport service based on the criterion of time loss for movement of residents. These results are adequate for large and very large cities with dense construction area

Last modified: 2021-02-21 21:00:04