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Journal: Current Issues in Philology and Pedagogical Linguistics (Vol.-, No. 4)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 127-132

Keywords : epigraph; pragmatics; intertextuality; cultural code; author’s intention;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The article presents the results of studying the pragmatics of the epigraph in the literary text in the aspect of intertextuality. The purpose of the article is defined as the identification and description of the components and types of intertextuality in the implementation of the epigraph as a cultural code in the space of a literary text. The epigraph is considered as a pragmatic marker that allows the reader to adequately interpret the author's intentions based on the activation of their own background knowledge. As a cultural code, it receives pragmatic actualization only in the process of receptive-interpretative activity of the reader. The methodology of the study is complex, which is due to the complexity and dialecticity of the object of study: the priority became deductive-inductive method, methods of philological and intertextual analysis, contextual analysis. The analysis allows us to draw conclusions about the pragmatic features of the epigraph, which are determined by the author's intentions. The encoding of information by means of the epigraph is implicit and explicit, often the epigraph acts as a minimal element of the perspective of the plot. The author refers to the texts-sources, the most authoritative for himself and his audience; the purpose of including such epigraphs is to justify the legitimacy of the author's intentions and values, as well as the concept of the author's world.

Last modified: 2021-03-11 22:48:55