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Recruitment and Selection Methods Used in Private Sector: With Special Reference to Aurangabad District

Journal: International Journal of Advance Study and Research Work (Vol.4, No. 3)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 01-12

Keywords : Recruitment sources; selection methods; selection criteria; interviews; e-recruitment; selection barriers; skills; experience; knowledge;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The present research study is concerned with the recruitment and selection process in private organizations of Aurangabad district. Recruitment and selection is the main function of human resource management. The study overviews the challenges and issues of HRM, a global scenario of recruitment, current trends in recruitment and selection, etc. The profile of the Aurangabad industrial sector is of major significance while studying the recruitment and selection process. The review of literature has overviewed all elements of the recruitment and selection process. The study has been covered the analysis of different aspects of the recruitment and selection process like sources of recruitment, methods of recruitment, selection tests/methods, etc. Many organizations are using old recruitment sources like employee references, advertisements, contractors, etc. but they are not using audio-video calls, job portals, video conferencing, etc. to recruit the candidates. E-Recruitment source is not continuously used in the private sector due to fewer infrastructures. Talented employees can search through dynamic methods of interview and selection tests. Jobs are available but it attracts skillful and experienced employees. Opinions of HR managers vary from organization to organization and it has been studied for finding facts by using statistical tools and techniques.

Last modified: 2021-03-31 22:24:22