Support to the Navigation of a Robot using Artificial Neural Networks
Journal: International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD ) (Vol.10, No. 5)Publication Date: 2020-10-31
Authors : César A. Perdomo Ch. Leonardo Plazas-Nossa; Julián R. Camargo L.;
Page : 635-642
Keywords : Backpropagation; Classification; Control; Navigation; Neural Networks;
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This document proposes the modeling of a neural network for the classification of the movement of a robot from ultrasound sensors that provide information about the environment of the same. Three models with a different number of neurons in the hidden layer are tested using the conjugated gradient learning algorithm. Ten training sessions are performed with each of these models, giving the best result of each model.
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Last modified: 2021-04-05 19:02:19