Ultrasound biomicroscopic evaluation of traumatized eyes
Journal: International Journal of Advances in Medicine (Vol.1, No. 3)Publication Date: 2014-11-01
Authors : Rushik B. Patel; Parul M. Danayak;
Page : 247-251
Keywords : Trauma; Eye; Ultrasound biomicroscopy;
Background: High frequency ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM) is a safe, non-invasive effective high-resolution technique used for in vivo imaging of the anterior ocular segment. It is of utmost use in the management of patients with ocular trauma when visualization is limited due to hazy media. Methods: UBM was performed in 100 patients with close globe injury and 25 patients with open globe injury. Clinical and UBM findings were compared. Results: Majority of the patients was males in the age group of 20-40 years. Workplace injuries were more common. More number of cases having angle recession, posterior capsular rupture, zonular dialysis and peripheral anterior synechiae were diagnosed by UBM. Conclusion: UBM remains the choice of investigation for scanning the posterior chamber and posterior capsule with good axial resolution of 50 ?.
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Last modified: 2014-12-06 17:11:17