Study of Alternatives Dynamic Feed-In Tariff for Photovoltaic Power Plant in Indonesia
Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.10, No. 3)Publication Date: 2021-03-05
Authors : Iswan Prahastono;
Page : 1488-1501
Keywords : photovoltaic power plant; PV; PV tariffs;
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The evolution of the electrical energy demand and supply system's variation requires that electricity tariff not be determined by a conventional, traditional transaction method. The complexity of the numbers and types of power plants contributing to the grid system and the variation of consumer's load behavior creates the electricity market system. It requires the dynamic tariff method to keep demand and supply nearly at a stable condition. Some consumers become producers by installing the photovoltaic panel and producing electricity that contributes, as a supplier, to the grid system.The Dynamic Feed-In Tariff method can accommodate this consumer type. At present, the authority electricity regulator or government in most countries commonly establish the electricity tariff for renewable energy toencourage renewable energy development and contribution. They regulate the Feed-In Tariff of photovoltaic (PV) connected to the grid electricity system and apply intensive or remuneration to support PV use. Based on the literature study, there is a possibility to seek a new design method of PV electricity tariff by determined a few method schemes and analytical mathematics models considering the condition of the power plants, including PV, entering the grid system, such as characteristics of each power plant and the energy contribution to the system. The load curve and other assumptions apply at the beginning to calculate the amount of energy supply. The PV tariffs could be dynamically change based on the realization load curve supply comparing to the unit commitment load curve. This studyexplores the PV tariffs (termed Dynamic Feed-In Tariff) for PV connected to the grid system with several simulation conditions with power plants connected to the grid system as a baseload, frequency follower, and backup. This study will develop the Dynamic FIT tariffs formula for the PV power plants connected to the grid system with an individual unit commitment load curve. Some simulations conduct using conditions and available data in North Sulawesi Grid System in Indonesia. The result will compare the current tariffs that are already applied and the regulated prices (Indonesia Government Regulation). The result of this study could be an appropriate alternative design dynamic feed-in tariff of the PV power plant of the government or electricity regulator to determine the PV power plant tariffs that connect and supply energy to the grid system.
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Last modified: 2021-06-26 18:42:03