Influence of Community Health Strategy on Malaria Management Projects in Mombasa County, Kenya
Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.9, No. 9)Publication Date: 2020-09-05
Authors : Dorcas Mwachi; Johnbosco Kisimbii;
Page : 179-182
Keywords : Malaria Management projects; epidemic training; motivation of the Community Health Workers; Malaria drugs and test kits; Malaria Management skills;
The drive of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of community health strategy on the management of malaria projects in Mombasa county. With the execution of community health strategy, the malaria burden remains a challenge on the communities in Kenya hence the need to assess effectiveness in managing malaria at the community level. CHS is an approach of one of the Kenyan Vision 2030 flagship plans that intend to improve the health rank of communities by initiating and implementing a system focused health activity at the lowest level of healthcare. The main objective of CHS is to ensure the accessibility of healthcare to all to enhance productivity and thus lower hunger, poverty, maternal deaths, and child mortality. The Community Health/Extension workers, therefore, are enlightened on the knowledge and skills in managing. Tabitha (2015). The specific objectives formulated included; influence of epidemic training among CHW’s on malaria management projects, the motivation of the Community Health Workers on malaria management projects, examine the influence of drugs and test kits on malaria management projects and determine the influence of skills on malaria management projects in Mombasa county. The researcher adopted a descriptive design survey with a sample of 75 respondents involved. The sample comprised of 35 CHWs and 35CHEWs. The study used questionnaires and interview schedules for data collection. The analytical methods employed were the use of SPSS, other methods included measures of central tendency to show and explain the impact of considering certain indicators for community health strategy and measures of dispersion to help understand the differences in the data obtained. From the analysed data, it was evident that the four variables, influence of epidemic training, motivation of CHW’s, the influence of drugs and test kits and influence of skills had influence on Malaria management in Mombasa County with a Pearson Correlation coefficient of 0.
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Last modified: 2021-06-28 17:11:32