Factor that Affecting Academic Stress and the Correlation with the Coping Strategy of International Students at Northeast Normal University, China
Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.9, No. 9)Publication Date: 2020-09-05
Authors : Fatmawati; Ahmad Fawad Sharifi; Ghuzel Kharunova;
Page : 832-837
Keywords : Stress; academic stress; coping strategy; international students;
The study was conducted to investigate the factor are affecting the academic stress and their coping strategy of the international students in Northeast Normal University China. There are two instruments of questionnaires used in this study. The first instruments are Kohn and Frazer (1986) Academic Stress Scale (ASS), 37 items with 5 scale likers. The second instrument is Xie (1998) Simplified Coping Style Questionnaire (SCSQ), 20 items with 4 scale likers. The data analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent t-test, and ANOVA. A total of 84 international students contributed to different demographics like gender, faculty, study program, and continent. The result shows that there is no significant difference between gender with females (M=2.95, SD=.492) and male (M=2.90, SD=.632). For the academic stress factor, Class situation factor (M=3.13, SD=.761) get the highest average score, and Class speaking factor (M=2.63, SD=.856) get the lowest average score. The coping strategy result shows that be positive to get the highest average and do other activities get the lowest average score.
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Last modified: 2021-06-28 17:11:32