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The Assessment of a Creative Climate within an Organization

Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.8, No. 3)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ; ;

Page : 310-317

Keywords : Creativity; Innovation; innovativeness; creative climate;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Every organizations level of innovativeness is being determined or influenced by the working atmosphere it offers its employees. This paper therefore had as objective to use the situational outlook questionnaire (SOQ) to determine the type of creative climate within Premier Games Mutengene which shall henceforth be referred to as (PGM). PGM is a lottery/ betting company in the English part of Cameroon. The results gotten from a sample size of 134/150 respondents were processed and compared with the benchmarks scores of Isaksen and Tidd (2006) to ascertain the execution rate of the SOQ dimensions so as to determine whether PGM was innovative or stagnated. The results revealed PGM to be innovative only in two dimensions, i. e. Idea time (53.7 % execution rate) and risk taking (92.22 % execution rate). The company was average in Freedom (63.3 %), Idea support (60.15 %) and Debate (49.05). Finally, PGM was weak or stagnated in Playfulness and humor (48.15 %) and very weak in Challenge (49.95 %), Trust (46.35 %) and Conflict (69.9 %). A one sample t-test was conducted which confirmed risk taking as a strength within PGM while also portraying conflict as a grave weakness.

Last modified: 2021-06-28 17:30:42