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To Study the Usefulness of CBNAAT(Cartridge based Nuclear Acid Amplification Test) in BAL (Bronchoalveolar Lavage) Samples for the Diagnosis of Smear-Negative / Non Sputum Producing Patients with Suspected Tuberculosis

Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.8, No. 3)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ; ; ; ; ;

Page : 1371-1375

Keywords : Cartridge based nuclear acid amplification test; bronchoalveolar lavage; flexibale fibreroptic bronchoscopy;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Background: sputum smear-negative and sputum scare pulmonary tuberculoisi is a diagnostic challenge. . CBNAAT provide a early diagnosis on BAL specimen obtained by bronchoscopy. Methodology: It is a prospective observational study. conducted in 140 Patients of suspected pulmonary TB diagnosed on the basis of clinio radiological with either negative sputum smear for AFB or who could not produce an expectorated sputum in the department of pulmonary medicine, Kamala Nehru Chest Hospital, Jodhpur to evaluate the diagnostic role of the CBNAAT in BAL sample Results Out of 140 patients 83 patient had MTB detected in BAL by CBNAAT and 10 AFB smear microscopy positive. among 83 CBNAAT positive samples, 9 (10.84 %) were resistant to Rifampicin. Conclusion: Our study demonstrated that BAL for CBNAAT has a superior diagnostic valve than BAL AFBsmear micrscoy and also help in early diagnosis of smear negative pulmonary tuberculosis and help on differentiation of other disorder where clinical piture mimic tuberculosis.

Last modified: 2021-06-28 17:30:42