The Relationship between Achievement Motivation and Employee Commitment in Bank Bri Persero TBK Branch of Sisingamangaraja
Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.8, No. 6)Publication Date: 2019-06-05
Authors : Anin Dhita Noor Nevlin; Lila Miryam Purba; Indra Windriani;
Page : 103-107
Keywords : Achievement Motivation and Employee Commitment;
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Basically, this study aims to see the relationship between achievement motivation and employee commitment. By assuming high achievement motivation, the employee's commitment is higher or vice versa, low achievement motivation is lower employee commitment. The subjects of this study were employees of PT. BRI Bank Persero Tbk. This study was compiled based on a Likert scale method using a scale that measures employee commitment according to Steers in Kuntjoro (2009) employee commitment has three main aspects, namely identification, involvement, and loyalty. This study also uses the scale of employee achievement motivation according to McClelland (in Sukadji, 2001). Characteristics of individuals with high achievement motives are always trying, in general it does not show better results on routine tasks, tend to take risks, in carrying out an action are not encouraged or influenced by rewards, trying to obtain feedback, looking at the environment, getting along better, enjoying challenging situations, tend to look for unique ways to solve a problem, creative, and work as if pursued in time. Based on data analysis, the following results are obtained: 1) Based on the results of this study a significant relationship between Achievement Motivation and Employee Commitment, where rxy = 0.629; p = 0, 000
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Last modified: 2021-06-28 18:17:02