Effect of Loan Repayment on Performance of Savings and Credit Co-Operative Organization in Kajiado County, Kenya
Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.7, No. 6)Publication Date: 2018-06-05
Authors : Judith Cherotich Kirui; Agnes Njeru;
Page : 175-179
Keywords : Loan repayment; performance; savings and credit co-operative; organization; Kajiado County; Poor management procedures; Loan diversion; Unwillingness to repay and Lack of enforcement of loan contracts;
Sacco have been facing a lot of financial challenges leading to few Saccos remaining active compared to the number of Saccos being registered every year. The general objective was to investigate effect of loan repayment on performance of savings and credit co-operative organization in Kajiado County in Kenya and the specific objectives were, to determine the effect of Poor management procedures on performance of savings and credit co-operative organization, to establish the effect of Loan diversion on performance of savings and credit co-operative organization, to investigate the effect of Unwillingness to repay on performance of savings and credit co-operative organization and effect of Lack of enforcement of loan contracts on performance of savings and credit co-operative organization The target population was all the active Saccos licensed by SASRA in Kajiado County. The research was conducted where financial factors such as loan repayment, membership withdrawal, funds misappropriation and investment decisions were discussed as independent variables in relation to Saccos performance being dependent variable sample size was 136 active saccos within Kajiado county. The choice and identification of key informants was purposive for they were deemed to possess key information of the Saccos business information. Questionnaire was the main instrument for data collection. Analysis and interpretation of the data was done using both qualitative and quantitative methods according to research objectives and research questions. The data collected was summarized, classified, tabulated, then presented using tables, charts and percentages.
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