Cognitive Styles of Adolescent Students in Relation to their Stress Level
Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.6, No. 1)Publication Date: 2017-01-05
Authors : Rajat Kumar Jain; Manisha Verma; Hemant Kumar Jain;
Page : 917-919
Keywords : Cognitive Style; Stress; College going Student; Systemic Style; Intuitive Style; Adolescent;
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Present study was conducted to find out the impact of stress on cognitive styles of adolescent students. Stress is the sensation of being overwhelmed by responsibilities or pressure. As a psychological concept, stress was first introduced in the 1950's, with the term originally taken from physics, where it described the amount of tension placed upon an object. Cognition is acquisition of knowledge which involves a series of mental skills. Style of thinking is used in cognitive psychology to describe the way an individual thinking, perceive and remember information or their preferred recurring pattern of perceptual and intellectual society. Also, culture provides people with a range of a cognitive style that are appropriate for different cognitive task in different context. The study was conducted on 100 undergraduate students from studying in different colleges located in Bhilai (Chhattisgarh). It can be concluded that, there was no significant impact of stress on cognitive style of college going male student. But significant impact of stress on cognitive styles was found on of female undergraduate students.
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