Vehicle Parking System
Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.6, No. 6)Publication Date: 2017-06-05
Authors : G. Latha; V. K. Annapurna;
Page : 686-688
Keywords : Cryptography; Email; sms; Online Payment;
Vehicle Parking is a major challenge in any city. People struggle to park their vehicles in proper place. In some parking place there is no safety for the vehicle. There is a chance of theft or vehicles may get damaged. People waste their time to search vehicle parking place. To solve these problems Vehicle Parking System is used. It is efficient software to customers to search parking place. It provides frequent information about the availability of parking slots and it includes online payment for parking. Cryptographic techniques are used in this vehicle parking system. So, it provides confidentiality between the vehicle parking system and the customer. This software is easy to use by anyone with Internet facility and also provides security. Administrator handles customer queries and also he tracks customer status. Customer get the information through Email or sms (Short Message Service).
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Last modified: 2021-06-30 19:12:46