Speed Control of a Train using Fuzzy Logic
Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.6, No. 6)Publication Date: 2017-06-05
Authors : Aakash Kumar Sinha; Akshay Kumar Jha;
Page : 781-784
Keywords : Fuzzy logic controller; intelligent train; visibility; speed;
The prime motive of this paper is to show how to control the speed of a train using Fuzzy Logic controller. The fuzzy knowledge can be used to enhance the performance and credibility of the conventional controller. Here, we are going to use the atmospheric conditions and the distance to be covered as the input to the fuzzy controller. The optical fog sensor will measure the amount of water particles i. e. fog in the air that limits the visibility and GPS can be used to measure the distance. When these two inputs are given to Fuzzy Knowledge based controller, they are processed according to the inference rules and speed of the train is obtained as output. The advantage of using fuzzy logic is that the higher degree of automation can be achieved, resulting in consistent control around the clock.
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Last modified: 2021-06-30 19:12:46