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Equipping University Academic Staff with Pedagogical Competence: A Case of Bishop Stuart University

Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.6, No. 6)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 1872-1880


Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


This study specifically interested itself in exposing the extent to which it may be of danger for a university to engage an academic staff that is not well groomed in pedagogical skills. It critically analyzed the pedagogical practices of lecturers and instructors of Bishop Stuart University. This study adopted across sectional case study design with a mixed methods approach with concurrent quantitative and qualitative approaches / Quan Qual model to collect data, analyse and present the findings. Two instruments were used in this study instructors questionnaire adapted from Hale and Astolfi (2011 and interview guide. The Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) version 20 was used in data analysis. Interviews and focus group discussions were audio recorded and transcribed. The study found out that the most commonly used modes of delivery at Bishop Stuart University are, Lecture (2 =1021.248), brain storming (2=578.358) and Role play (2=401.898). The least used are demonstrations (2=810.542), E-Learning (2=359.12) and studys (2= 677.12). The most common forms of assessment employed by BSU staff are written examinations, coursework, and test/quizzes while the lease used are exhibitions, case studies and interviews. There is a statistically significant difference between teacher trained lectures and non-teacher trained lectures in management of learning at Bishop Stuart University (P=0.002). From the study the following conclusions are drawn, teaching through designing and presenting studys should be encouraged, the use of E-learning. The following Recommendations could be adopted, all newly recruited and non-teacher trained lecturers for orientation and training in pedagogical competence, all lectures and instructors at BSU should be trained/knowledgeable about Blooms taxonomy.

Last modified: 2021-06-30 19:12:46