A Clinical Study of Ocular and Periocular Injuries in Blunt Ocular Trauma in Prakash Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Urun - Islampur (Maharashtra)
Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.6, No. 6)Publication Date: 2017-06-05
Authors : Rajesh Gotekar;
Page : 2248-2251
Keywords : Blunt ocular Trauma; Lid laceration; Sub conjunctival haemorrhage; lens dislocation;
Purpose To analyse ocular injuries because of blunt ocular trauma with respect to mode of injury, type of ocular injury, anatomical structures involved and outcome Materials and Methods This was a retrospective study of 30 patients with 35 eyes involved in blunt ocular and periocular trauma from April 2016 to March 2017 in Prakash Institute of Medical sciences and research, urun -Islampur, Maharashtra. Result Road traffic accident was found as the most common mode of injury in all of these blunt ocular trauma patients we studied (n= 30). In our study we found. accidents involving two wheeler vehicle are common. . We saw ocular and periocular involvement in 35 eyes due to blunt ocular trauma in these 30 patients.05 patients having bilateral ocular involvement (16.66 %).25 patients having mono-ocular involvement. (83.33 %). Conclusion Eye injuries related with road traffic accidents were noted in significant number of cases of blunt ocular trauma. Lids and eyebrows combined were the most affected structures involved in the blunt ocular trauma. Conjunctival injuries comes second in the list. The structures involved were related to mode of injury. and force of impact. . Ocular trauma is a major cause of preventable acquired monocular blindness and visual impairment in the world.
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Last modified: 2021-06-30 19:12:46