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Advance Technology, New Innovation Utilizes in Warehouse, Logistics and Supply Change Management

Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.6, No. 11)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 876-894

Keywords : New innovation; advance technology and customer satisfaction;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Logistics is traditionally driven by operational demands. Therefore innovations are mainly based on direct customer requests. However, logistics service providers (LSPs) have started to realize the importance of proactive innovation and advance technology to improve competitiveness. The development of new service concepts enables LSPs to increase customer Satisfaction and strengthen their competitiveness. Due to the fact that services cover specific Characteristics, their development differs from traditional product development and requires adapted innovation and advance technology management processes. The production of services usually requires the participation of customers.

Last modified: 2021-06-30 20:02:28