Irradiation of Mushrooms - An Overview
Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.2, No. 12)Publication Date: 2013-12-05
Authors : Kalyani. B; Manjula. K;
Page : 6-8
Keywords : Mushroom; Irradiation; Functional Food;
Radiation is not a modern man- made creation and it is a direct, simple, and efficient one-time process. Food irradiation may be considered as a second big break through after pasteurization. Irradiation should be our next step in food safety and should play an integral part in our continued demand for food safety. Irradiation is the process of exposing food to ionizing radiation in order to destroy microorganisms or insects that could be present in the food and some time to improve the functional properties of food. Foods that contain physiologically active compounds that provides health benefits beyond basic nutrition. A functional food is similar in appearance to conventional food, is consumed as part of a usual diet, and helps to reduce the risk of chronic disease beyond basic nutritional functions. Mushrooms have attracted the attention of man from very ancient times, and the use of mushrooms as food is as old as human civilizations. Mushrooms are fleshy fungi, being used as food and medicine. Mushrooms have medicinal value in inhibiting tumor growth and enhancing immune system. Indian medicinal mushrooms are potential sources of antioxidant and anticancer compounds. The present review is related to studies on mushroom irradiation and their functional properties.
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Last modified: 2021-06-30 20:24:15