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Shell-Model Study of Neutron Rich Even-Even 52,54,56Cr Isotopes

Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.3, No. 8)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 589-592

Keywords : Gamma transitions; excitation energies; Shell model;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Large-scale shell model calculations were performed to study the low lying energies, binding energy and the reduced transition probabilities between energy levels for even-even 52, 54, 56Cr isotopes by employing effective interactions GXPF1, GXPF1A, FPD6 and KB3G near the closed core 48Ca with model space (HO). The results of calculation were compared with the recent experimental data and good global agreement were obtained for all nuclei under study and the best results achieved by using the effective interaction GXPF1A.

Last modified: 2021-06-30 21:05:59