Implementation of One Time Pad Cipher with Rail Fence and Simple Columnar Transposition Cipher, for Achieving Data Security
Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.3, No. 11)Publication Date: 2014-11-05
Authors : Jawad Ahmad Dar; Sandeep Sharma;
Page : 2415-2421
Keywords : Rail fence cipher; key; columnar transposition; cryptography; One Time Pad cipher; cryptanalysis;
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Cryptography is an art and science of converting original message into no readable form. There are two techniques for converting data into no readable form. Transposition technique, Substitution technique. In recent years there is drastic progress in Internet world. Sensitive information can be shared through internet but this information sharing is susceptible to certain attacks. Cryptography was introduced to solve this problem. Cryptography is art for achieving security by encoding the plain text message to cipher text. Substitution and transposition are techniques for encoding. When Caesar cipher substitution, Rail fence cipher and Columnar Transposition Cipher techniques are used individually, cipher text obtained is easy to crack. This Paper will present a perspective on combination of techniques like Rail fence and colounar transposition with one time pad cipher. One Time Pad is an example of substitution method. In this paper I will presented how to improve security of One Time Pad Cipher to make it more secure and strong by Its implementation with Rail fence and columnar transposition cipher
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