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Pollution and its effect on Ecological Environment with special reference to district Bilaspur of Himachal Pradesh

Journal: Asian Journal of Advanced Basic Sciences (Vol.2, No. 3)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 109-111

Keywords : Ecological; Pollution; Environment; Climate change;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


India is a large and diverse country. Its land area includes regions with some of the world's highest rainfall to very dry deserts, coast line to alpine regions, river deltas to tropical islands. The variety and distribution of forest vegetation is large. India is one of the 12 mega biodiversity regions of the world. Indian forests support a variety of ecosystems with diverse flora and fauna. A survey was conducted pertaining to the effect of pollution level and its effect on Ecological environment with special reference to district Bilaspur of Himachal Pradesh. Measures have been taken by the state government to overcome such problems. The HP High Court directed the state to impose a ban on the sale/stocking of 25 junk food items in plastic packaging in the state. The Himachal Pradesh State Pollution Control Board issued a notice to a Cement Company as to why their production should not be stopped for violating the environmental laws. The results of the ambient air quality monitoring indicated that the pollution level of the industry were 250.07, 316.67, 140.97, 156.94 and 177.22 against the limit of 100 which comes much higher and providing threat to ecological environment. The vehicular traffic, main part of which is from the cement producing factories in and around Bilaspur also contribute to environment pollution and climate change. This could impact the livelihood of 1.4 million people, who are dependent on the water and natural resources. State government is implementing the National Action Plan on Climate Change to improve the effects of climate change due to the pollution so that the deglaciation could be controlled. Participation of every individual is important so that we can breathe in a fresh environment.

Last modified: 2015-01-28 17:21:17