Representation of Cultural Values and Javanese Aristocracy In Para Priyayi, Canting, And Gadis Tangsi Novels (Study of Culture , Hegemony, and Character Education)
Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.4, No. 2)Publication Date: 2015-02-05
Authors : Wijaya Heru Santoso; Herman J. Waluya; Suminto A. Sayuti; Retno Winarni;
Page : 1148-1153
Keywords : representation; Javanese aristocracy; hegemony; pragmatics;
Para Priyayi, Canting, and Gadis Tangsi novels represent cultural values and Javanese aristocracy, hegemony and character education. The novels were analyzed using a cultural approach pertaining to the Kluckhohns framework developed further by Koentjaraningrat, and a hegemony approach developed by Raymond Williams, and educational approaches developed by Ki Hajar Dewantara. The results showed that Javanese aristocracy was unable to cope with life problems. Instead, it solely worked to locate the position and living. In perceiving time, it also dealt with time efficiency, recreation, and rituals. However, it tended to respect the rank and favor of the ruling group particularly in aristocracy education, habituation, discipline, and teaching in the perspective of both inner and outer experiences.
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Last modified: 2021-06-30 21:22:46