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Effect of Twin Sparkplug in Two Stroke IC Engine

Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.4, No. 2)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ; ; ; ;

Page : 2147-2153

Keywords : twin spark two stroke;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Two stroke spark ignition engines have high exhaust emissions and low brake thermal efficiency due to the short-circuiting losses and incomplete combustion, which occur during idling and at part load operating conditions. An effort is been made to improve the engine parameters i. e. specific fuel consumption and Thermal Efficiency of the engine. This is achieved by using dual spark plug in two stroke gasoline also its effect on the engine parameter is analyzed. On applying the dual spark plug in two stoke gasoline engine the combustion could be made proper and the specific fuel consumption could be made to decrease. In this two Stroke gasoline engine the scavenging process will also be improved which is poor in the present single spark plug. The present two-stroke twin spark plug gasoline engine can be made to operate either with single or dual spark plug as per the user's requirement. The engine is fitted with both the options. This two stroke gasoline engine is also has the luxury of a condenser which will enhance its sparking capability. Overall this engine is a far more technically improved engine than that of single spark plug. The main objective of this present study is to analyze the effect of Dual spark plug on engine performance parameters in two-stroke gasoline engine.

Last modified: 2021-06-30 21:22:46