Functional Outcome of Percutaneous Achilles Tendon Repair Vs Open Repair: A Comparative Study
Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.4, No. 3)Publication Date: 2015-03-05
Authors : VV Narayana Rao; A Ajay; Dr Komali Ramu; K Kiran Kumar;
Page : 54-58
Keywords : Achilles tendon; percutaneous; open repair; outcome; complications;
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Achilles tendon rupture treatment by percutaneous technique and open repair are well established procedures. There is no consensus as to whether there is difference in outcome between percutaneous and open repair. Achilles Tendon rupture score, an outcome measure developed and validated was used to assess the final outcome in addition to clinical assessment and complications. ATRS was documented at admission of the patient and every third month visit up to one year from surgery. Ankle range of motion and complications were also charted. Patients who did not complete one year follow up are excluded from the study.26 patients successfully completed the follow up.11 patients fall into percutaneous group and 15 patients into open repair group. In addition to sports injury we found occupational injuries as common mode of injury in our cohort. At end of 1 year the mean ATRS was 89.4 in percutaneous group and 81.6 in open repair group. Complication rate of 30.6 % was identified (20.4 % minor and 10.2 % major). Our results conclude that there is no significant difference in functional outcome between the two groups. We found wound complications and infection are higher in open repair and sural nerve is at more risk for injury in percutaneous technique.
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