Citric Acid Produced From Citrus Medica and its Peel as a Substrate and Effect of Alcohols at Different Concentrations
Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.4, No. 11)Publication Date: 2015-11-05
Authors : M. Sashi Prabha; G. Subba Rangaiah;
Page : 1656-1660
Keywords : Citric acid; Citrus sinensis; stimulants; substrate; Alcohols;
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Citric acid is a 6-Carbon containing tricarboxylic acid is ubiquitous in nature. which was first isolated from lemon juice and was crystallized by Scheele in 1784. The present study deals about the economical production of citric acid from Citrus sinensis and its peel, which was again compared to the rate of production from sucrose as a substrate. Aspergillus niger MTCC 281 is the choice of the organism for the present study. Citrus sinensis (orange) and its peels which are dumped indiscriminately after extracting the edible portion. So, these wastes were considered for the citric acid production. The production of citric acid using Citrus sinensis peels were compared with the production using the fruits, which are in turn compared with citric acid yield from Sucrose as a source of substrate. Three different alcohols (Methanol, Ethanol and Butanol) were used at different concentrations to check the effect of alcohols on the rate of production. .
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