Compliance of Anti-Retroviral Therapy among 250 HIV Infected Persons in a Tertiary Level Hospital in India
Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.5, No. 4)Publication Date: 2016-04-05
Authors : K. Raadhika; R. Navajothi; Sabari Raj;
Page : 767-772
Keywords : Antiretroviral therapy; Complaince; Psycho-social factors; Adherence to Antiretroviral therapy;
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Background AIDS is a disease which in the present era has gained utmost importance owing to both its prevalence and also fatality. This study aims at determining the compliance of therapy and the clinical profile used as an aid to draw conclusions for various reasons of non compliance Aim and objective To determining the compliance level of HIV patients undergoing Anti-Retro Viral Therapy and reasons for non-compliance Materials and Methods A detailed structured Questionnaire was prepared to analyse the compliance of 250 patients receiving ART from the ART centre of a tertiary level hospital. . The data collected are analyzed using Chi-square test, Student t test and the proportion tests. Results Out of 250 patients 74 % patients showed 100 % compliance level (p50kms 41.37 % were compliant. Conclusion The results of our study revealed that a compliance of 74 % (185/250) which was affected by a number of socio-economic and physical reasons. The compliance can be increased by repeated counselling to both the patient and the family members and to high risk groups.
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