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Cervicalcytopathology: Evaluation of its Efficacy in Detecting Cervical Precancerous and Cancerous Lesions, As Evidenced by Colposcopic Biopsy

Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.5, No. 5)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 378-384


Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


AIM To correlate the cytological findings with that of the histopathological findings in preinvasive and invasive cancerous lesions of the cervix. And to assess the accuracy of the paptest as a screening procedure for cervical cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS The present study was conducted at MAHARAJAHs INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, in the Outpatient department of OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY, over a period of 2 years, from JUNE 2010 JULY 2012. RESULTS Of the 500 subjects studied, biopsy was normal in 394 (78.8 %) women i. e, they had either an inflammatory smear or a normal smear.106 women (21.2 %) had a positive biopsy, i. e, they had a premalignant or malignant lesion on biopsy. Of those with the disease, 67 women had CIN I. ( 13.4 %), 19 women had CIN II (3.8 %), 20 women had malignancy on biopsy. (4 %) CONCLUSION Even though the sensitivity of pap seems to be low, this can be overcome by a regular programme of papsmear screening with appropriate follow up. The regimen of repeated cytologic screenings, and follow up of abnormal results not only increases the sensitivity of Pap smear but also decreases the incidence of cervical cancer. Papsmear is an often cited example of a successfulprogram of secondary prevention. Pap smear, a relatively simple and inexpensive procedure, is still the initial step of cervical cancer screening of women.

Last modified: 2021-07-01 14:37:34