The Design of Adaptive Control System of Electric Load Simulation System
Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.5, No. 7)Publication Date: 2016-07-05
Authors : CHEN Hao; WU Dingding; RAO Guoxi; ZHAO Xuchang;
Page : 482-487
Keywords : ELSSsurplus torque designadaptive controlnumerical simulation;
This paper introduces the ELSS and analyses the structure and working principle of the ELSS. The numerical model of the electric load simulation system is established in this paper. On the basis of it, an adaptive control system is designed to suppress the surplus torque of the system. We obtain the adaptive laws of the system. Finally, through the numerical simulation results verify the validity of the control method.
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Last modified: 2021-07-01 14:40:32