Effectiveness of Back Massage Therapy in Promoting Sleep Quality among Post Operative Patients after Cardiac Surgery
Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.5, No. 8)Publication Date: 2016-08-05
Authors : Jasmine Joys R. M.Sc N; Stella Suguna Kumari M.Sc N;
Page : 416-419
Keywords : Effectiveness; Back Massage therapy; sleep quality; post operative patients; cardiac surgery;
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A study to assess the effectiveness of Back Massage therapy in promoting sleep quality among post operative patients after cardiac surgery in selected tertiary hospital, Kanchipuram district, Chennai, Tamilnadu. The aim of the study was to assess the effect of Back Massage therapy in promoting sleep quality among post operative patients after cardiac surgery who were admitted in cardio thoracic intensive care unit. The conceptual framework used in this study was Wiedenbachs Helping Art of clinical nursing theory. A quantitative approach was used for the present study. Using simple random sampling technique, 40 samples were selected from cardio thoracic intensive care unit, Chettinad Super Speciality Hospital, Kelambakkam. The tool used was structured questionnaire and modified Pittsburgh sleep quality index. The collected data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings of the study revealed significant changes in the sleep quality among post operative patients after cardiac surgery. The mean post test level (4.25) of sleep quality was higher than the pre test level (1.80) of sleep quality, likewise standard deviation post test level (1.20) pre test level (0.41) and the t value of 10.971 which was statistically significant at pless than0.05 level in experimental group, after receiving Back Massage therapy. There was a minimal change in sleep quality in the control group without any intervention and projects t value of 1.927 which was not statistically significant at pless than0.05 level. Based on the objectives of the study, there was no significant association in the level of sleep quality among post operative patients after cardiac surgery with selected demographic variables. Thus the study proves that, Back Massage Therapy had effect on promoting sleep which can be provided as a complementary therapy in management of sleep disturbances among post operative patients after cardiac surgery.
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