Attitude towards Clearance Sales of Liked and Dislike Brands: A Study of Shopperstop
Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.5, No. 8)Publication Date: 2016-08-05
Authors : Kamini Khanna;
Page : 922-925
Keywords : Clearance Sales; Attitude; Consumer Behavior;
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Clearance Sales figure as one of the crucial selling policies that business firms have. In a clearance sale, the selling price of the product takes with the fading of the fashion or the season, and allows the seller to official excess goods into the market. In the study, we undertook the study of Attitude towards Clearance Sales of Liked and Disliked Brands. The study yielded five factors of the attitude towards clearance sales of liked and disliked brands. These factors were Excitement, Brand Preference, Brand Opinion, Leadership, Price-Image Sensitivity and Peer Influence. Further, it was found that among all the extract factors, Brand Preferences is the is the most important determinant of attitude towards clearance of sales.
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