A Comparative Study of Concentration of Caffeine and Benzoic Acid in Various Soft Drink Samples
Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.5, No. 8)Publication Date: 2016-08-05
Authors : Reena Gami; Geetha Sarasan;
Page : 1655-1659
Keywords : Caffeine; Benzoic acid; Soft drinks;
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This study includes a quantitative method for the determination of caffeine, benzoic acid and total acid content in different samples of soft drinks by using UV-Visible Spectrophotometer and pH meter. It is observed that the concentration of Caffeine is highest in Pepsi and least in Mountain dew and the concentration of benzoic acid is found to be highest in Mountain dew and least inPepsiamong the samples (Pepsi, Mountain dew, Fanta andLimca) studied. The total acid content isfound to be highest in Fanta and least in Pepsi. After expelling carbonic acid in the form of CO2, Pepsi is found to be more acidic. The carbonic acid content is also highest in Fanta and least in Pepsi. The pH of all soft drink samples selected are determined and found to be around 3. So consumption of large amount of these soft drinks having high acid content leads to teeth decay due to loss of enamel. Thuson the basis of various data recorded it is concluded that the concentration of caffeine, benzoic acid and acid content are different in different soft drinks.
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