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Journal: Геоінформатика (Geoinformatika) (Vol.49, No. 1)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 19-24

Keywords : natural bitumen and heavy oils; the resonant wave effects; oil recovery.;

Source : Download Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Presented here is the integrated use of non-traditional hydrocarbon resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, natural bitumen and heavy oils. Kazakhstan ? produced oil is mostly heavy, high viscous, and belongs to the category of non-traditional resources with a high content of metals, especially nickel and vanadium, that associate in crude oils from asphalt-resinous components. These properties of crude oils significantly reduce the ratio of its extraction, so the development of methods of enhanced oil recovery is relevant and practicable. Developed by the author the article describes a technique and a team of researchers from the Kazakh K. Satpayev National Technical University, for enhancing oil recovery, based on the resonant wave effect (RWE) on high-molecular oil compounds. It is shown that the RWE causes destruction high-molecular compounds, which leads to much lower viscosity, increases the content of low-molecular compounds, and contributes to the intensification of heavy oil production.

Last modified: 2015-02-05 17:40:38