Offline Signature Verification for Cheque Authentication Using Different Technique
Journal: International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research (IJSER) (Vol.3, No. 6)Publication Date: 2015-06-05
Authors : Balaji Gundappa Hogade; Yogita Praful Gawde;
Page : 1-7
Keywords : extractiongray scaleeuclidian distancebinarization verification;
In this paper, we consolidate the gist of unimodal algorithms and their performance in signature verification system. Signature is an ultimate biometrics to authenticate an individual. The signatures are used in cheques, legal transactions etc to determine the individual identity. The legalization of any document takes place by putting a signature on it. This problem can be dealt in two ways: 1) Online signature verification 2) Offline signature verification In some transactions online signatures are used where the user is provided with a pen based tablet. The user has to do his signature on that tablet then that signature will be recorded in the system/computer. Signature trajectory, pen pressure, pen downs & pen ups will be captured by the tablet & sent to the system/computer. Then it will verify with the database whether it is genuine or forged one. On the other hand offline signature is the one which can be obtained by signing on the simple paper & then scanning it to the computer. Now the system will judge whether it is a genuine or forged one. Offline signature does not require any specific hardware whereas online signatures require a lot of hardware & software to determine genuineness. As a rule it is impossible to know in advance which of the approaches is novel.
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Last modified: 2021-07-08 15:24:22