Acoustic Echo Canceller with Blind Source Separation
Journal: International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research (IJSER) (Vol.3, No. 6)Publication Date: 2015-06-05
Authors : Ekta; Shelej Khera;
Page : 83-85
Keywords : BSS; ICA; ECHO Canceller.;
Acoustic echo cancellation (AEC) aim to suppress the echo picked up by the micro phone in a hand free communication system. There are so many techniques which are used for removing of acoustic echo from original speech signal. We propose to apply a independent component analysis (ICA) technique for separation of near end signal for echoes. Proposed method can be regarded as a optimal coupling of linear echo canceller, multi channel source separation and non linear echo canceller under a proposed blind source separation technique.
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Last modified: 2021-07-08 15:24:22