Awareness of Dentists on the Role of Homeopathic Remedies as a Risk Factor in the Etiology of Tooth Decay
Journal: International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research (IJSER) (Vol.5, No. 1)Publication Date: 2017-01-05
Authors : Antoniya Pomakova; Nataliya Gateva; Rositsa Kabaktchieva; Nina Miltcheva;
Page : 64-67
Keywords : homeopathy; homeopathic medicines; tooth decay; etiology; awareness;
Purpose: To assess the awareness of dentists in Bulgaria on the role of homeopathic remedies as a risk factor in the etiology of tooth decay during childhood and their attitude towards adequate oral prophylaxis in frequent intake of these drugs Material and methods: A questionnaire was distributed among 100 dentists in Varna, Dobrich, Sofia and Burgas. It includes 9 questions with multiple choice answers. They are related to the awareness of dentists about the sugar content of homeopathic remedies, their role as a risk factor in the development of a carious process by children and the need for prophylaxis in frequent intake. Collected data was subjected to statistical analysis and presented in summary form. Results: 72% of the respondents do not ask a question in the anamnesis about the use of homeopathy. Only 44% know about the presence of sugars in this type of drugs. More than 50% of them do not think that there is a positive link between frequent consumption of homeopathy and an increased risk of developing caries in childhood. Only half of the respondents recommend additional preventive measures and procedures to these patients. Conclusion: There is a lack of knowledge of dentists on the presence of deleterious sugars in homeopathic medicines. Many of the respondents do not find a link between their consumption and an increased risk of developing caries. There is a need for additional training of dentists in Bulgaria to raise their awareness about the possible role of homeopathic remedies as a risk factor for the development of carious disease among children.
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Last modified: 2021-07-08 15:57:21