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The Effectiveness of Baking Soda as Mouth Wash in Reducing Oral Mucositis among Pemphigus Vulgaris Patients

Journal: International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research (IJSER) (Vol.6, No. 1)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ; ; ; ;

Page : 7-10

Keywords : Pemphigus vulgaris; Oral mucositis; Baking soda mouth wash; Normal saline mouth washsodium bicarbonate;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Abstract Pemphigus Vulgaris is a chronic autoimmune intraepithelial blistering disease. Usually affects the oral mucous in 80% of cases leading to significant decrease in patient?s daily functioning of oral cavity and quality of life. This is because of the bad odour, tastelessness, difficulty or inability to eat, drink or speak. Objectives of the study is to assess the pre-interventional level of oral mucositis, to assess the effectiveness of baking soda as mouth wash in reducing oral mucositis and to find out the association between the post-interventional level of oral mucositis with the selected demographic variables among pemphigus vulgaris patients. Methods: This study adopted a Randomized control trial and was conducted in the Dermatology OPD and the Dermatology ward of Christian Medical College, Vellore. A sample of sixty four subjects were selected for the study using purposive sampling technique. Effectiveness of Baking soda as mouth was in reducing oral mucositis was assessed using Saraswat?s oral Pemphigus score, by the research assistant blinded to group assignment on 1st and 7th day. Descriptive and inferential statistics was used for data analysis. Results:No evidence to conclude that baking soda mouth wash is effective than normal saline in reducing oral mucositis among pemphigus vulgaris. There is no association (p=0.68) between the post interventional oral mucositis and the selected demographic variables. Conclusion: Dermatology nurses should recognize the need for assessment of oral mucositis on a daily basis and provide the most appropriate and cost effective interventions. These interventions could be prepared in simple way at home for their long term use, in alleviating the pain and discomfort, by providing meticulous mouth wash for patients with Pemphigus Vulgaris.

Last modified: 2021-07-08 16:19:44