Evaluación de habilidades no cognitivas para la administración de la educación
Journal: Revista Estrategia Organizacional (Vol.8, No. 2)Publication Date: 2019-09-04
Authors : Sandra Johana Higuera Sarmiento María Angélica Lega Ruiz;
Page : 103-144
Keywords : ;
- Evaluación de habilidades no cognitivas para la administración de la educación
- Evaluación diagnóstica de habilidades de pensamiento e informacionales a través del diseño y aplicación de tres instrumentos para estudiantes de primer grado de educación primaria
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The objective of this review is to document the development around the evaluation of non-cognitive skills during the last five decades, identifying the continuities and discontinuities in the research carried out around the topic. In addition, it aims to raise the importance of measuring non-cognitive skills in the educational setting and to generate references that allow the development of new evaluation strategies in the educational field. The methodology chosen to comply with the proposal is documentary analysis through the hermeneutic interpretation of the texts. From the findings, different evaluation techniques were identified that arise from psychology and that to date still present difficulties that have limited the development of strategies that allow the evaluation of non-cognitive skills in educational settings. The main reference established in this research is the need to consider the nature of these skills in order to create qualitative, personalized and contextual developments and analysis.
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Last modified: 2021-07-24 02:51:22