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Güney Slav Resmî Dillerinden Karadağlıcaya Genel Bakış - An Overview on Montenegrin Language as a South Slavic Official Language

Journal: BALTED Journal of Turkish Language and Literature Studies in the Balkans (Vol.2, No. 2)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 17-30

Keywords : Montenegrin language; Montenegrin Culture; South Slavic Languages; Montenegro; Cnr; Official Language.;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Montenegrin is one of the neighbours of Turkish in the Balkan geography. For many reasons, this language is not known well in Turkish speakers. This article aims to create a general knowledge in Turkish about a language that is neighbour to Turkish and to make a recovery by transferring the situations. Its process of being a written and official language also provides experience in terms of language researches. In Montenegro Montenegrin is in the neighbourhood with Serbian, Bosniak and Croatian languages from Southern Slavic languages; Albanian from its own linguistical branch; Turkish from Altaic languages. The major and main part of Montenegrin speakers within written language and dialect is in Montenegro. According to the census records, it also has speakers in Serbia, Croatia, and Slovenia. Republic of Montenegro's official language is Montenegrin language. In article 13 of the Constitution of the Republic of Montenegro, the official use of Montenegrin is stated. In the next few years, the spelling rules and guidelines and grammar of the Montenegrin language have been prepared with the support of state bodies. In addition, several linguistical studies have been published on Montenegrin before and after Montenegro's independence. The language's own name is “Crnogorski jezik” / “Црногорски језик”. The Montenegrin language exists in the ISO 639 list with the code “CNR”. The alphabet of Montenegrin has two equivalent forms based on Latin and Cyrillic. Since both writing systems are constitutionally equal, the Montenegrin alphabet has two parallel variants. It can be said that the Latin-based alphabet is more common in general use in Montenegro. Montenegrin has been the subject of controversy, such as proving that it is a separate language, being or not being within the scope of Serbian and Serbo-Croatian. It can be said that today's problems mainly stem from the political approach. These problems have also caused several problems with it.

Last modified: 2021-07-24 22:51:55