Influence of the Application of Organic Selenium in Duck Concentrate Mixtures on the Sensory Properties of Duck Meat
Journal: International Journal of Advances in Agricultural Science and Technology (IJAAST) (Vol.8, No. 8)Publication Date: 2021-08-30
Authors : Amir Zenunović; Husejin Keran; Amir Hasić; Toni Babić;
Page : 102-109
Keywords : organic selenium; meat quality; sensory properties of meat; nutritional value of meat; Technology; Agronomy; Duck Meat;
There are data in the literature on the influence of higher amounts of organic selenium on production results, and the obtained results indicate that high levels of organic selenium added to feed (even up to 15 mg / kg) of chickens did not have a negative effect on production results. Also, in the literature related to chicken nutrition there is data on the use of different forms (inorganic, organic) and different amounts of selenium on carcass meat, pH value of meat, ability to bind water, chemical parameters of meat quality, oxidative stability of meat, and and on the sensory properties of broiler meat. Of particular importance are the studies of the possibility of using increased amounts of organic selenium in poultry nutrition in order to enrich meat with selenium. This is of particular importance for the nutritional value of meat, and in connection with this, human health. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of adding different amounts of organic selenium (ALKOSEL® R397) in concentrate mixtures on the sensory properties of meat streams.
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Last modified: 2021-08-16 16:32:42