Influence of Ukrainian emigration on the process of state formation in Transcarpathia in 20-30s of the ХХ сen. (national and cultural activity)
Journal: Scientific Bulletin of Mukachevo State University. Series “Pedagogy and Psychology” (Vol.5, No. 2)Publication Date: 2019-11-24
Authors : Olha S. Kukharchuk; Nataliia V. Lalak;
Page : 12-16
Keywords : emigration; public organizations; political emigration; Ukrainian emigration; educational organizations; political organizations;
The article deals with the influence of Ukrainian emigration on the processes of state formation in Transcarpathia in the context of organizing a number of national structures and institutions: political,scientific, educational, literary and publishing institutions. The expedited establishment in the land of Ukrainian national consciousness, the strengthening of the Ukrainian national movement with its highest manifestation, the construction of the Ukrainian state of the Carpathian Ukraine played a significant role in the Ukrainian emigration, which settled directly in Transcarpathia and in other parts of Czechoslovakia. The Transcarpathian nationally-awakened intelligentsia has done much for the national uplift of the Ukrainian population of the region. However, given the small size and undeveloped network of national and cultural institutions, it was difficult for her to achieve the social achievements that had been achieved in the late 1930. The main achievement of the twenty years of social competitions is
the integration of Transcarpathian Ukrainians into the Ukrainian nation, and self-identification with it. Without the sacrificial impulse of Ukrainian emigration, this success would probably not be so rapid. Thus, the national and cultural activities of Ukrainian emigration in Transcarpathia in Czechoslovakia, in general, significantly accelerated the formation of the Ukrainian ethno-national orientation of Transcarpathia. She made a big positive impact, first of all, in the field of schooling. The formation of Ukrainian theater and musical arts also took place with the professional and organizational assistance of Ukrainian emigration. Significant assistance was provided by the Ukrainian emigration of young Transcarpathian
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Last modified: 2021-08-20 19:47:18