Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nin Jeopolitiği: Kaçınılmaz İmparatorluk
Journal: Turan (Vol.18, No. 44)Publication Date: 2021.09.27
Authors : Aslan Yaman;
Page : 33-58
Keywords : American geopolitics; Mississippi watershed; economic and political power.;
Since its discovery, continental America has had a cosmopolitan significance as it has received immigration from many people, especially from the European continent. The peoples who migrated to America fought for shaping the modern nation and stating as residents of the New World in both the South and the North. In this article, that discusses the geopolitical characteristics of the American continent, also considers arable agricultural land, waterways, shipping routes, rainfall by region, economic and political power of the North and South regions of America. The Mississippi River watershed, which forms the core of the continent, and maritime trade have played an important role in the volume of trade in America. In this article, along with the Mississippi watershed, other geopolitically important regions of the continent are also the subject of the research.
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Last modified: 2021-09-27 01:54:41